About Us
Our purpose is to provide a source of the best products and customer service experience possible. Know that every item we sell in this store is a product those of us who work here have tested and used. As we continue to grow, introducing new and innovative gear from manufacturers all around the world will be what we strive for.
Feel free to give feedback and contact us as that is a vital part of our growth. Please email us at info@defiancerc.com with any comments, product suggestions, or if you just want to chat.
Partner Companies:
Team-Blacksheep: team-blacksheep.com
Foxeer: foxeer.com
RunCam: runcam.com
Impulse RC: impulserc.com
Globe RC: globerc.com
Armattan: armattanquads.com
FrSky: frsky-rc.com
eMax: emax-usa.com
Fatshark: fatshark.com
Immersion RC: immersionrc.com
HQ Prop: hqprop.com
Brotherhobby: brotherhobby.cn
Cobra Motors: cobramotorsusa.com
Rotor Riot: rotorriot.com